"Love and Fear Entre Raza," in Latina
Style Magazine,
Vol. 9, No. 2, March/April 2003. (View the actual

(Printable Version)

Identity and Counseling White Allies About Racism," in Impacts of Racism on White Americans,
second edition, edited by Benjamin P. Bowser and Raymond G.
Hunt, ISBN paperback 0-8039-4994-4, hardbound 0-8039-04993-6,
Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, California, 1996.

(Printable Version)

from Racism: Cross-Cultural Leadership Teachings for
the Multicultural Future," in Winds of Change magazine,
published by the American Indian Science and Engineering Society,
Boulder Colorado, Spring 1995. (View the actual article)

(Printable Version)
Speed Language Learning," Colleague,
No 4, Rational Island Publishers, Seattle, Washington, 1980. |